Collection A
The A collection is characterised by a trapezoidal frame which reveals all seating elements when viewed from the side.
Collection detailsCollection E
The linking element of the benches in the E collection is the large angle of the legs, which creates an unmistakable side silhouette.
Collection detailsCollection I
The rearward protruding sidewall design together with the distinctive material profiling are typical features of most elements in the I collection.
Collection detailsCollection O
This collection features exposed steel construction and the use of solid wood. The basis of the O series is a materially distinctive furnishing.
Collection detailsCollection U
The U collection includes several bench variants, the common feature of which is solidity. The range is therefore suitable, for example, for demanding railway environments.
Collection detailsCollection K
Fence posts in two basic designs for contemporary and historic buildings.
Collection detailsCollection L
The collection includes a cycle box, a signboard with the possibility of lighting and a comprehensive way-finding system.
Collection detailsCollection M
Screens are available in a wood/steel combination.
Collection detailsCollection X
Versatile steel shelters are available for bus stops, bicycle parking and smoking areas.
Collection detailsCollection Y
A modular system based on a cubic frame made of wooden or steel prisms. The individual elements can be freely combined to create different floor plan variations as needed.
Collection detailsCollection Z
Bus stop shelters primarily for use in rural or open rural landscapes.
Collection details