KOMA Modular

Vizovice, a nearby town, hosts KOMA Modular, a unique Czech company.
The company values ethics, the importance of design, and collaboration with leading Czech architects and artists. They are based in a building that reflects their successful, award-winning work: the Czech pavilion from EXPO 2015 in Milan.
Used products
They chose our furniture for their terrace perfectly. There are several pieces from our series: Moja upholstered armchairs, seats and tables, Spulka tables, Máj armchairs, Bistrot chairs and Bistrot bar sets. The company entrusted our designer Dan Golík with the selection and construction of furniture to make sure that the provided seating maximizes how employees and visitors enjoy the beautiful view of the Vizovice Highlands. At the same time, it creates a dignified environment for The Autobird –a sculpture by Lukáš Rittstein.